Friday, July 25, 2008

Coast To Coast AM with George Noory

Okay if you guys have not heard of the radio show "Coast to Coast AM with George Noory" you dont know what you are missing.

This is the hub for EVERYTHING that is happening and is about to happen. And the topics are vast and utterly informative. There dedication to bringing information from professionals, and respected men and woman, doctors, scientists, researchers, archeologist's, writers, military people, goverment people, has overdone ANYTHING i have ever seen in my entire life.

The topics range from UFO's to economics, Astrology to ghosts, from predictions to agriculture, politics to conspiracys, history to math, you name it. IT has EVERYTHING for anyone and the guests on this show (damn well most of the time) are very respected educated people in their field.

The whole point of the show is to bring AWARENESS to the masses and critical information that the mainstream just isnt providing us. DAMN U FOX NEWS AND CNN!!

now before you laugh and scold this off..think about it..this radio show has MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of listeners all across the world and as of last year (not sure about now) was rated the #1 nighttime radio show in America.

That tells me something..that tells me the people are actually starting to wake up and want to know what is going on. THIS show PROVIDES INFORMATION and not propaganda to people.

And for the years that i have been listening i am tellin you first hand, more and more people are starting to step up in whatever profession they are and are starting to tell more truths (cause theres been mass misconception in about every field that we can think of)

So do yourself a favor..i dont know where you are living but visit the coast to coastam website

and find out what radio station they are on in your city. If they arnt (and i highly doubt it) then check their website everyday cause they have great story feeds at the bottom of their page as well as re-caps and info on up and coming guests.

You can also subscribe and download their shows. I suggest you do this and build your knowledge. It could be the best thing you ever done.

Thanks for your time!

Sydd Stone


Uncle Weezel have found our new drummer and we are ready to get going big time again!!

If you living in Vancouver or Seattle make sure to come out and check us out if your into RAW HARD ROCK!

we are working with our new drummer BRANDON on a new E.P. then eventually an album.

Things are going good!!

so go to

and show your support :)


Thursday, June 26, 2008

2012 and the Mayan Prophecies

OH MY GOD! its been too long since i updated this site. I am sorry but i just burnt myself out with the internet and had to give it a rest for a few weeks.

That being said. I promised I would talk about 2012 this time around and so i will!!

As we get closer to 2012 more and more people will hear of this date and the mystique thats attached to it.

I first heard of this date a few years back, well more than a few years back, and the first thing i ever heard about this 2012 date was the world would end. many times have we heard these prophecies throughout our worlds history. I never believed it then and i still dont believe it today.. i learned more about 2012 i learned it had nothing to do with the END of the world but rather an END of an age. Interesting, I still couldn't believe it..that was until scientists started talking about earth changes and cycles and remember those crazy floods that Noah had back in the day before our great grand parents were alive? and how that flood was documented not only by Noah and the bible but pretty much every civilization across the world at that time.

Yeah we are in 2008 and we are still saying every 2600 years the earth flushes itself and starts a new. And guess what kiddies..the last time this happened..yup u got it..2600 years ago..

Okay okay hold on sydd..who the hell came up with this 2012 prophecy anyways?

well let me tell u...The Mayans did..and i aint talking about the animations :P im talking about the civilization that was far more advanced in astronomy and the sky then we could ever be today. Even with all our telescopes..of course this would only be my opinion...but of course...the Mayans did leave behind extraordinary calenders including one that we molded our own calender off of today...or should i say ripped off..and if u read into the history behind this again you find things that will shake your head..(this will be a future blog :) )

There are TONS of predictions the Mayans made with these calenders. Theres even a story that goes back that the Mayans knew the Spanish were coming hundreds of years before they ever came to mesoamerica. And the Mayans were there waiting for them. Very interesting if you ask me.

But the Mayans are a whole other chapter of blogs and i must stay focused on 2012.

2012 is also suppose to be the date that planet X returns flipping our axis and giving us u got it! another ice age!!!! its amazing when science (even tho planet X is NOT science, atleast not yet) today starts to agree with "esoterics" of yesterday even when they deny it and it OBVIOUSLY pissing in their face.

We as humans are suppose to experience things that challenge our every day realties. Guess what..going to the mall and banging that hottie next door no longer constitute a will of living..survival is the will and even tho we will probably loose a vast majority of the people on this earth (thank god) the people left over will herald in the beginning of a new dawn..a new era..The age of jesus will be over and a new age where we take responsibility for ourselves and not expect god or gods to come save us will usher in this paradigm change, and i HOPE to god (haha i said god) we will do it right this time cause really we have not much more time before we kill ourselves anyways or the planet.

H.A.R.P technology all tho has been associated with chem trains (again another blog) has supposedly has its good uses as well. From what i read and watched from certain people the big guys (or some of them, as some of em dont care about us) are using this technology to learn how to keep the earth on its axis to avoid this catastrophe..

Believe it or not, weather its 2012 or 2145 or next year..something will happen eventually if we dont pull our heads out of our asses and start working towards exploring the universe and finding other places to inhabit, we will all die here and every single one of us and every single thing we did will be forgotten until another civilization comes upon our once beautiful home and reads the story that we left behind..

The world is strange..Reality is stranger...The indigo generation is upon us and i hope these kids will grow up to put a stop to the nonsense our past generations have giving us..

As for the Mayans and their legacy. Dont laugh cause they predicted allot of things that came true using the stars and the planets and their innate human nature (just like we could today if we allowed ourselves)..

And if u read deep into things and go behind the scenes u find EVERYTHING is connected..from the president of the USA back to Summer (or should i say IRAQ)

anyways..hopefully i wont be lazy with this anymore and keep on top of it!!


Im hoping our EP will be out in October. Our demoing is taking way longer than it ever should and until that is complete we cannot come out with an official date. SO hopefully the band can work their ass off to get this accomplished..

For more info on the EP visit our myspace at

Thanks for your time..


Sunday, June 1, 2008

2012 and the God Particle

So Ive been hearing alot about this "God Particle" Particle lately and the experiment scientists are planning on doing at CERN this year.

I came across this..

"If all goes as planned, sometime in 2008 the heads of state of governments around the world will climb the mountain at CERN, the particle physics lab/stargate near Geneva to light the flame of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN a 17 mile ring; the most expensive and sophisticated machine on earth.

When it’s fired up it will begin smashing protons moving at 99.999999% of the speed of light into each other and so recreate the conditions a fraction of a second after the big bang.

Dr. Michio Kaku calls it “the Genesis Machine."

"William Henery"

Now what interested me more was that this "god particle event" fit nicely with the Mayan 2012 prophecies. If your not familiar with these prophecies I will give a summary next Blog.

Anyways, you can check this article here at The God Particle, 2012, and the Tower Of Babel

Now im pretty skeptical when it comes to all these theories and how everything ties into everything else. The way i see it is u can make any piece of the puzzle fit if you manipulate it enough.

But I truly believe there is truth to some of these things, and all tho i highly doubt (because lack of facts seems to be overwhelming my lack of believe) there is a direct link between the "god particle machine", and 2012, i do think both stories are extraordinary and each one could change our reality as we know it.

I know reality is much stranger than what we are able to handle in this great *sarcastic* age of ours..I hope Im alive to see the transition. I hope it comes in 2012 so that im young enough to enjoy it and partake in this coming of age..

This my friends is another tale from The Uncle Weezel.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

State Paranormal on A&E the Uncle Weezel Blog has been on myspace for the last year and now here we are upgraded and feeling cozy!!!

We thought this would be a good idea considering the direction the blogs are going as well as the music, and every other aspect of the band. We will eventually have this blog hooked up to our, yet not to be webpage (we have the domain but no home page yet ahhh!!).

So with an E.P thats coming out in the fall, and the band reaching a new level, a record label almost up and running it seems only right we have a page dedicated to our blogs!!

So enough of that..

Someone send me a link to this show called State Paranormal on A&E last night. Within the first 5 minutes i was totally blown away, and not only that but i was kinda spooked out as well..Fuck who am I kiddin, it scared the shit out of me..

Now whether it was fake or real the point of the matter is it was spooky as hell. Suposetly this show is "real" and its lead by Ryan Buell, founder of the Pennsylvania State University Paranormal Research Society

The offical site is here
main mission, according to its credo, is to "scientifically and spiritually explore" the supernatural. In order to justify this mission, PRS formed two research branches called "departments:" Field Investigation & Research (FIR) and Parapsychology & Laboratory Research (PLR).

So after a few more page searches and the actual mission statement from the PRS above, I came to think this could actually have some merit to it.

Then it got me thinkin...I remember being young and how ghosts were taboo..they never existed and that was that..It seems now with no official "coming out the closet" people have just accepted that fact that these things happen..

Even if ghosts or demons dont exist i still feel sorry for those people who cant believe. Theres nothing wrong with having a bit of mystery in your life or wonderment, and its debilitating in my opinion not to wonder and see all that our reality and beyond has to offer..

So true ghost research societies associated with Penn State University that have a tv show on A&E...

Crazy if u ask me...

Heres the link to the asylum show i